Showing posts with label snaps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snaps. Show all posts
[12] Arizona Matsuri
Its already March and almost April! I made it a point to blog after New Years, but it didn't work out. Technically though, I still am blogging after New Years... heh. I'm more than half way through the last semester of my first year in college! I have to say that it is a nice experience and even though I only met one new friend and my hatred for dorm life continues, I'm glad I decided to go to uni.
Hopefully this summer will be exciting! I might get to go abroad and teach English in South Korea. Depending on if I pass the interview and the mock teaching lesson. And if not, i'll probably be going to New York (maybe). Its all still up the air though.
In late February my friends and I went to the Matsuri in Arizona. Most people who go there are cosplaying, including my friends, but its not my cup of tea. I don't even go trick-or-treating anymore. I just steal the candy from our stash lol.
The festival is always so busy with cosplayers and their massive outfits. I've only really been to Matsuri twice and both times it was super packed. I normally go there to stock up on some Japanese candy. And then eat it within the day.
I always tell myself that if EXO comes out with something that is not a CD or DVD, I wouldn't get it. But I tend not to listen to myself very well and I ended up buying a key chain.
The iPhone case was something I bought 9 months back. But inner shopping Anna told me I had to have it even though I didn't have an iPhone5 at the time. ahaha I want the new EXO First Box but I keep on holding myself back thinking that I can ask for it for my birthday and keep my money for their new CD. I had to talk myself out of buying the EXO STARDIUM tote bag by saying it was just a canvas tote with a broach. I could make it. But of course I'm not going to.
I hope you enjoyed this slightly more personal post. I bought a memebox recently and I hope that I can do a review on it as well as (maybe) the Naked 3 palette and some Madewell clothes
New layout, new year!
[8] 4th of July in Big Bear Lake [Fireworks + Random City Snaps]\\\\ ♥♥
I normally celebrate the 4th of July in Big Bear Lake, California but I haven't done so for the last few years. But for my Graduation I got a DSLR and I wanted to take some shots of fireworks but we never go see fireworks in my city. SOOOO... We went to Big Bear this year.
I always liked walking around Big Bear Lake's "Village". Its full of desserts, coffee shops, and touristy shops. and gummy sharks.
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[6] Japan Trip Part 2: {Traditional} ♥
This being said I wanted to post the three Japan trip posts one-after-another but do to my birthday, my brother's birthday, graduation, and my graduation dinner (and my dad's birthday this weekend) needless to say that I have been pretty busy.
My birthday and graduation were both fabulous and I'll probably post about them later after my last Japan post.
Also I ordered EXO's 1st full album:WOLF. Which I will probably take pictures of and spam this blog and I also have ordered my first pair of circle lenses. (They are actually my third but I never wore my other ones due to school.) They are the Royal Vision Cinderella Gray. Hopefully I will be reviewing them soon.
Now onto the photos~~
I'll honestly say that during this trip I never really took any pictures of temples of shrines. I mean I did but I didn't care enough to memorize the shrines nor did i memorize the cities. Most of these were from Hiroshima, Kyoto, Tokyo and Miyajima. During this trip I was mostly attracted to shopping, Tokyo, and Osaka. I have more photo's but I believe that these are the best ones.
While making these posts lately, I've been going around and studying other photography and fashion blogs and I noticed that most people have their own editing styles. Light, Dark, Black & White, Textures, Purikura effects and Soft Focus; and I think its really cool how people define themselves through their blogs and also how they edit their photos. I just think that its cool and I don't think most people recognize that kinda stuff.
[5] Japan Trip Part 1 !!! {Modern}
June 1st will be my one year anniversary of my trip to Japan.
and to celebrate I will be making a 3 part series of my trip starting with
(I have it separated into modern, traditional, and other {surprise})
When i decided to make this series I started having EXTREME nostalgia. I LOVED this trip and I would retake it anyday in a heart beat.
We had a plane flight that was around 10-11 hours long. It wasn't too bad and the best part was my friend and I watched...
lol i know right, how morbid.
While we were watching it a flight attendant walked by and started reciting the part where hes screaming for Wilson. and then left
2 minutes later he came back with a styrofoam cup, WITH WILSON'S FACE ON IT.
We left at in the morning and got to Japan in the late afternoon. We drove from the airport to Osaka (even though we only stayed there for a night it is my favorite city) had a delicious meal of pork.
Most of these city snaps were from Osaka, Tokyo, and a few other cities that I can't name off the top of my head. Fukuoka maybe...
The last one would be a cool photo with a tilt shift effect.
I think the train tracks were in Kyoto.
The ever famous vending machines. I took this on our walk to the Manga Museum. We past like 20 of them.
The best thing to ever be made on this planet.
I ended up eating two. Just thinking about these make we want to go back to Japan. I barely managed to snap this picture before eating it. Barely.
I'll be honest with you. I saw this a few times and I just laughed.
But then I bought the gum.
It was amazing, but it only had around 8 pieces. And after I bought it; I never found this gum again.
And that is the saddest story that will probably ever be told on this blog.
(with 1 picture)
During our trip to Japan we went to the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bomb sites. Very cool and very sad. During this trip in Hiroshima we passed a group of elementary students who were there on a trip to place 1,000 paper cranes in a area that was located next to the Children's Peace Memorial. When the children saw our camera they started posing so we took pictures of them.
Now I want you to focus on the kid in front. Black shirt and black cap.
Yes, that kid.
We love this kid.
After we finished going through the Hiroshima museum we traveled to 宮島 (Miyajima).
宮島 is an island off of the coast of Hiroshima that is home to a deer park and a small village. On 宮島 we had a lot of fun. We went down to the shrine before the water came up and we almost got lost. But the best part is when we got off the island and onto the dock for the boat. While we were waiting in line to get on a kid was getting off. And that kid got up into my friend's face and was making funny faces so my friend made them back. And we thought nothing of it until we got onto the boat and we started talking.
"That kid was weird"
"I know, he just got in your face. I wasn't expecting that"
"He looked familiar"
"Yah, I know"
That's the end of Part 1.
More to come soon. I hope that you will look forward to them!!
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